Please be aware as it is clearly stated on the front of our bulletin of the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, that we can ONLY issue any sponsor letters for those of you who are practicing Catholics in our church and must be registered parishioners for a minimum of three months. If you would like to register as a parishioner please visit the office during regular office hours for more information. Thank you.
We need the cooperation of at least 100 families to achieve our goal of $31,500. The appeal is a vital source of funding for the programs and ministries that sustain the parishes across the Archdiocese. It is not too late to make your gift. Please be as generous as you can and use the envelopes at the back of the church for your donations. Thank you for your support.
The first session for children enrolled in our sacramental sessions will be Sunday September 13 from 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm. A parent/guardian must accompany the child.
The first session for our children's program will be Sunday September 20 beginning with the 9:30 am Mass. A parent/guardian must attend with the child. The morning Mass will include a commissioning of the formation team members and a special blessing for parents/guardians for their role as the primary teachers of the faith.
In the Gospel of Matthew we read the call of Christ to see him in others (Mt 25:31). As faithful Catholics, do we really answer this call? In a modern society centered on the 'me' it can often be difficult to ...
In counting your blessings this holiday season, remember those less fortunate than yourself. Please donate items to our Thanksgiving Food Drive to help...
To help those less fortunate, our parish will be holding its annual food drive to help provide families in need with a special meal for the holiday. Please bring ...
Our parish rectory will be collecting cards with words of encouragement for our pastor. You may drop off cards during normal rectory hours. These cards will be ...
For 2012 the feast falls on June 15. Our parish will be having a special mass to honor the Sacred Heart on this day at 7:00 pm (bi-lingual). The faithful are invited to bring a dessert to Campbell Hall after the mass to....
Beginning Monday September 26 we will be offering a new program for adults looking to deepen their catholic faith. Faith Journey will hold sessions ...